Monday, June 21, 2010

Roll Tide!

Austin and I are officially Oklahoma citizens. It's weird. In the month and a half since moving here, I have rarely had an oppurtunity to acknowledge my Alabama roots beyond the obligatory questions such as, "How is Oklahoma different from Alabama?" (Answer: Definitely more flat.) However, while at the DMV getting Oklahoma licenses, the guy behind the counter asked me about Alabama's football team. It is ironic that the first time someone acknowledges my Alabama-ness is the day that I am renouncing my citizenship. It was definitely an eye-opener, and very poignant.

In other news, the job search is coming along. Right now I have two possibilities up in the air. One is a job that I really want and would be a fantastic opportunity; the other is a job that I would be content with, but would have to eventually change. So I'm experiencing the waiting game. It's no fun. I've definitely had to learn how to manage stress. I finished knitting a Gryiffindor scarf in almost record time because of this. I find knitting to be a successful outlet to my stress because I tend to carry my tension in my hands. I attempted to upload a picture of my scarf but it didn't work. Maybe it will work later. In the very least, I guarantee a posting later today or tomorrow with the picture. It's pretty funny because I made Austin model it. It does not disappoint.

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