Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Is it ironic to blog about blogging? I've learned, after a few months of contemplation, that I need to release some of the thoughts swirling around in my head. (And by contemplation, I mean laziness, fyi.) I spent much of my day today perusing Pioneer Woman's website. She has inspired me to be more judicious and consistent with my blogging. One of her tips was to blog even when you have nothing to blog about. This is my issue. I have felt like I do not have much to blog about, at least, nothing anyone would care to read about. So, I'm just going to write about what has been on my mind recently.

Lately I have been plagued with such thoughts like, "If I died tomorrow, what difference will my life have made?" I know this is a pretty deep thought, and I assure you, nothing that I have just thought about one random last week. I started this process by reading Max Lucado's newest book, "Outlive Your Life." It's a wonderful call to action to the Christian church to take on the mission of the early church to serve others. I've been inspired to take my talents, what few there are, and to help others. I found this to be harder than it originally seemed. When it comes to coming up with ideas on how to help out others, I can develop elaborate plans. The problem is that many of those ideas are just out of my reach as far as their implementation. I have settled on my most recent idea, which is to take my love (read: LOVE) of reading and to spread that to those who may not have the same passion or knowledge to appreciate reading as I do. I contacted our local library in town and asked whether or not they had an adult literacy program that I could hook into and volunteer with. They did. I am going to receive my training on Saturday. All it took was a little bit of research and a telephone call to turn this into reality. I'm excited and proud to serve the community in this way.

A few of my other ideas include:

- Knitting hats for children receiving chemotherapy treatments (one of the side effects of the chemo is a lowering of the body temp.)
- Transcribing written memoirs, letters, diaries, etc. for senior citizens for a more permanent record of these memories
- Hosting an Alzheimer's Awareness seminar
- Organizing a mentor program for high schoolers to mentor younger junior high students during their teenage years

These are a few of my more long-term ideas. I encourage everyone reading this to consider purchasing Outlive Your Life and volunteer with a program that showcases your talents. Let me know if you would like to borrow it, and I will send you my copy. Think about it, what will you be remembered for after you are gone?